so i recently got an iPhone and it was absolutely the best thing that's ever happened to me (and I don't care what the judgy fucks say about how I should have waited for the new one to come out.
i named her lola and filled her with all sorts of apps:- tiny tower (an absolute must for all iPhone owners)
- pinterest (i get nothing done)
- the obligatory social media apps (facebook, twitter, etc.)
- rotowire (thanks b - so i can keep up with all the fucking injuries my fantasy team is plagued with)
- stickies
he called me an idiot.
but in my defense, he hates when i dick tap him. but i really enjoy it. he gets uncomfortable and squirmy and his reactions are even better when i dick tap in public.but sometimes i forget how much i like to do it - so i added it to my stickies and set an alarm as a reminder. it'll be different everyday so he'll never see it coming.but my stickies board looked barren and boring so i explored and discovered you can use colored stickies and different shaped stickies. so i updated my stickies board:
and now Steve Jobs is dead. Good job.