I feel no better and no worse (which I'll chalk up to a small victory). I think the worst thing about being sick with this cold thing is the state of perpetual confusion I'm living in. Anything I do takes three times as long to do and I just plain don't know what the fuck is going on.
To top things off - I decided it was appropriate to drink last night (which at the time seemed like a great idea and my face hurt a lot less what with the cocktail of meds and drinks). But this morning I can't determine whether this terrible state I'm in is due to a hangover or this fucking cold.
So I made this poll:
[polldaddy poll=5603214]
But I digress. I found this conversation between B and myself and I laughed. Which then turned into a sneezing fit which led to hacking my brains out. Enjoy.
B: What are you guys doing for the games today?
Me: Sitting at home. Come over. I'm going to make Angry Bird cupcakes.
B: While Lincoln and I watch football?
Me: Maybe.
B: Women in the kitchen cooking while the men watch football. It's the American way.
Me: Go fuck yourself.
B: Blow me.
Me: I don't want anything to do with your ornery dick.
B: I'm going to punch you in the twat.
Me: Likely story.
B: We shall see.
In totally unrelated news, check out this picture of a cat in a trash can:
[caption id="attachment_414" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Sir Charlie"]

I know this a screen shot of a video. But the state I was in last night when I took the video was a hazy one. One where you're trying to take a picture and you realize you're on video and you're like "fuck!"
And I'm far to lazy to crop anything.
So deal.
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