me: good god. i wish he was my pastor.
B: that dude was way fucked up. such a great movie.
me: totally.
B: yeah, Milton shot that one guy.
me: i couldn't take him seriously. not from office space or from when the pastor laid into him and started talking about feces on his scrotum.
B: i can't ever take him seriously with any character after office space or dodgeball.
me: what i will commend the loonies for is containing the bloody mess with saran wrap after they shot that guy in the head.
B: yes, you wouldn't want to get infected with the gay in his blood.
Me: no, since they consider it so contagious.
besides Yeti, i've recently indulged in one of those batshit crazy, radical religious movies that was on Netflix streaming. props to B for mentioning it and thanks to Lincoln for badgering me till i watched it.
it was. INSANE.
i must warn that i had to edit the convo between b and i so that it wouldn't give anything away and please note the textual sarcasm when referencing homosexuality.
but most importantly, if you love guns, violence, right-wing nut jobs, charismatic pastor/cult leaders, perceived sexual deviancy, hymns, John Goodman, killing sprees, and overall ridiculousness then this movie is for you.
if you'd like a more concise version you can imdb it.
[caption id="attachment_698" align="aligncenter" width="208" caption="LOVE YOUR DAMN NEIGHBOR!!!!!"]

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