so severely that i ate my lunch before 9am. so severely that i didn't even heat it up - just dunked a cold hamburger patty in lemon poppy seed dressing. i'm a fucking wreck.
in my defense - it was shitler's last night of bowling and i can't tolerate being at that fucking place when i'm sober. so i indulged. and now i'm paying the price. here's a few ridiculous fucking pictures from last night:
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oh, good news. shitler is the champion of his fantasy football league.
also, he got a trophy.

what's that? you don't care? ya, me either.
but i do like trophies.
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and apparently shitler and i can take a decent photo together:

you'll have to excuse me. i need more bayer advanced strength. and another gallon of water. if there were a contest for being the most dehydrated - i would win.
but today wasn't all bad. i remembered that i did hit the eight ball in to win a game of pool last night. i only won because b was my partner and he got every other ball in. i'm not even joking.
and then my friend the super fox sent me the best text in the world. seriously. it was this and only this:

but now i'm concerned. does jeff have cancer? and why is his hair like that?
also - i would post a picture of the super fox and me but i don't have one. and upon thinking about it - i don't know if i do want one. because she's infinitely gorgeous and i am infinitely not.
also - my hand smells. that is all.
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