i offered to let shitler hold her but his comment was "no, i've held babies before" and then "i'll hold her when she's two." i guess he has a point. all babies are the same.
except the ugly ones.
and ugly babies do exist. don't even try to deny that ugly babies don't. they do. and you're a liar if you say otherwise. but sommer isn't one of those. there's a special place for her. one that's filled with sparkles, unicorns, and mommy's breasts.
[caption id="attachment_1809" align="aligncenter" width="764"]

and check out her fat little baby thighs. i died.
[caption id="attachment_1810" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

also, i'm convinced that when babies yawn it's really their cute way of covering up the fact that they're stealing your soul.
[caption id="attachment_1811" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

in two unrelated topics:
first, shitler and i went to go get wings last night.
and our neighbor kept throwing used chicken bone carcasses on the floor:
[caption id="attachment_1815" align="aligncenter" width="580"]

secondly - in true mac-fashion we came home to the destroyer of all things pillow and also an entire plate of banana bread bars:
[caption id="attachment_1816" align="aligncenter" width="580"]

lastly, shitler woke me up last night to tell me that he had gotten up to pee and while he was downstairs he ate a cupcake. at 3AM.
i'm indifferent.
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