it's a shit show.
a goddamn shit show.

and one year that i went - i almost died.
not even kidding.
i may have been a tiny bit wasted while treading water when a large man canon-balled on top of me causing me to crack my skull on the underside of the boat. where i may have blacked out. and then was hoisted out of the water by some nice gentlemen while a group of gawking fellow drunks looked on hoping that i didn't drown. and then i collapsed back at the house and ate shit into a pile of rocks. i was battered and bruised.
but this year i vowed that it would be different. that i would redeem myself. and i'd like to think that i did.
but in an effort to string you along - i'm just submitting some subdued photos and a video.
because tomorrow's post has got the good shit. like thongs, and packages, and hot chicks, and gratuitous water sex.
you're welcome.

and may i just preface this video with the fact that it was only noon at this point and got progressively worse and worse.