i couldn't take another weekend chock full of fun. it would kill me.
so here's what i'm high-fiving for the week and my link-up with lauren over at from my grey desk.
1. the nonsense that is me going to the grocery store for dog food and ending up with this. i blame the weekend festivities still clouding my poor brain.

2. uhhh, because cramming your dog-self underneath the desk in this contorted position seems totally normal. and comfortable.

3. because i cannot stop listening to all things murder by death. they.are.everything.

4. shitler. demonstrating that at first the super fox indicated he was a dick with no balls.

5. and every once and awhile i take a great picture. and in this case it looks like the gods are angry and set on consuming this material world with their angry clouds.

it's the weekend.
get nasty.
i dare you.
that cloud is scary. it signals that a rain is coming :( be safe
jen @ whyyyjen.blogspot.com