soooooo it's friday and it's time for that link up.
1. it's shark week. which for me - means i can't wait for fucking shark week to be over so i don't have to hear people talk about it like they've always watched it when in reality we alllllll know you only started watching it after you saw step brothers.

2. i drank a bottle of champagne the other night. this is the cap.

i don't follow. how do they i'm going to enjoy it?
like smash the bottle and try to drink straight from it - jagged edges and all? or are they referring to drinking and driving? because i don't do that. i prefer drinking in the safety of my own home and not having to leave.
champagne - you need to be more specific.
3. at the risk of sounding like an obsessive freak i'm going to talk about invisible monsters again. and it won't be the last time either. but i finished it. and i bawled like a fucking baby. because it is, by far, one of the most incredible books i have ever read.

4. this picture is pretty self-explanatory. because if it doesn't make your week you're probably a fucking terrorist.

5. it's this wise man's 5th birthday. hats off to you murphy lee. you're a gentleman and a scholar.

lastly, with the weekend upon us i've been thinking about the phrase "hot to trot." i don't exactly know what it means but i assume that a lot of people will be drunkenly doing so this weekend.
so get out there with your hot to trot-ed-ness.
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