Thursday, December 20

coffee talk installment 15

coffee talk time.

1. what type of phone do you have?
an iPhone 4.  i wish there was a more creative way to answer this.  but there isn't.
so, whatever.

2. look to your right.  what do you see?

3. list five random facts about yourself.
1. snakes terrify me.  like violently terrify me.
2. whistling drives me bat-shit fucking crazy.
3. i could eat pickles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  and also as snacks.
4. if i could, i would punch people with bucket lists in the face. 
5. i'm obsessed with popping shitler's zits.  go ahead - judge me.

4. what is the one talent you wish you were great at?
something that made me a shit-ton of money.  like singing.  or dancing.  even stripping.  
just a talent of some sort.  other than being super good at being lazy and drinking.
that hasn't made me any money.  yet.

5. go to and hit random.  the first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.  go to and click random quotes.  the last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.  go to and click on explore.  seventh picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.  use to put it all together.  now show us your album!

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