Friday, December 7

high five 4 friday

well folks - it's friday again.
i feel like this week was a mind-numbing whirlwind where i didn't know up from down and all i wanted to do was lay on the couch and watch season two of the walking dead.
which i did last night.
so only one night was a success.  
meh. but it's time to link up with lauren at from my grey desk.


1. shitler shaved.  and now he looks like a nine-year-old boy and it freaks me out.

2. baby b (daughter to the neighbor's) - rocking the tongue in one of her school photos.  she's a riot.

3. i don't want to rub it in or anything but i totally come home to this every night.

4. tell me if there's anything better than getting chocolate chip muffin and milk deliveries at work?
oh right - there isn't.

5. hey ma!  you don't mind if i relax on this pile of hangers do you?  it's way comfortable.

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