i'm one hundred percent going to drag this rearrangement post into two, possibly three, posts.
to be obnoxious.
this post WILL NOT include pictures of lord hairless or the cat figurines.
those are for next week. or if i'm feeling especially cruel - the week after next week.
but it will include a picture of the giant rabbit that i love and also a picture of an overly excited murphy lee (btw, he looks like a total mouth breather in the picture).
so to recap - shitler decided we need to be adults.
and after he convinced me that this was, in fact, not a drill i unhappily complied.
so naturally, the first thing i did was immediately buy something that would display some of my booze.
so i got myself a cute little rolley-type-cart-thing to put my wine in.
and it's a blessing and a curse. because i'm constantly drinking wine. and then constantly wanting wine in the cart-thing to make it look nice so i'm just constantly buying more wine but then i'm just constantly drinking it all over again because it's sitting in there taunting me. i think the word we're looking for here is viscous circle.
oh who is that you ask?
that's rick.
the giant bunny i received at a work function white elephant party and is now the bane of shitler's existence.
i'm genuinely shocked that rick hasn't met some sort of unfortunate demise by now.
but he hasn't. so where better to display rick than under all my booze?
i need you all to know that shitler literally got off on buying home furnishings.
which concerned me. but then i realized it was one less thing that i had to do.
so i just embraced it when he called to excitedly tell me that he had purchased an ottoman (that a had compartment for all of our blankies), a floor lamp, new blinds, and an area rug (his exact words).
in the past i've collected various things to hang on the walls but there has rarely been and rhyme or reason as to why they are where they are. like shitler pointed out that i just hung things on nails that were already in the wall. and then i was all "meh."
but this time shitler suggested we hang things on the wall with a purpose.
so i present to you my wall of andys.
lastly for this post is an overly excited murphy lee.
he's probably thanking his canine overlord that his mom and dad are done trying to pretend to be adults.
or at least that he has his couch back because it had been a real inconvenience when there was various woods and tools all over them and like WHERE WAS HE SUPPOSED TO SLEEP --- LIKE ON THE FLOOR OR SOMETHING?! don't worry murph lee. all is as it should be.
p.s. don't mind those weird wooden table things. we've had them for years (i think from my friend, bowser) and shitler has been going on and on about he's going to sand them and then do something with them but i've yet to see anything come to fruition. so now they're just there. which probably isn't for the best because it's just one more surface in the house for me to spread all my crap on. which shitler is never a fan of.
still to come - throw pillows and knick-knacks.
at least pretend you're excited.