one time i gave up drinking for three months.
in the shitler household we refer to those months as the "dark ages."
when not drinking it's insane how boring actual life is. like you're extremely more soberly aware that none of the laundry is done, those dishes are starting to stink, and that dog hair you haven't vacuumed up in two weeks has taken on a tumble-weed like form and you catch yourself humming old western music as they skitter across the kitchen floor. the worst part about not drinking is that, while you still don't have any motivation to do anything worthwhile, you find that you care much more about all the things that you're not doing then you did when you were drunk and/or hungover. but the point is that while i was tragically sober i just became wildly obsessed with doing the most pointless of things (much to shitler's chagrin).
case in point: finger puppets.
then things got a bit more edgy.
so basically they went everywhere with me. out to meals. they hung out with shitler. came to work.
so the moral of the story is don't stop drinking.
p.s. i'm not even remotely creative enough to come up with any of those patterns on my own. so it was pinterest to the rescue and this crafty lady.