it's Murphy Lee Lincoln (yes he's named for the rapper much to someone's chagrin).
murphy lee is the type of dog that just gets you.
he's calm(ish). he typically hangs out under the stairs and will wander onto the porch to help himself to treats. i can appreciate this because then i don't have to get up from the couch, pause pretty little liars, and like be not a piece of shit. sometimes he pees in the bath tub. which - thanks, i guess?
he loves stylish sweaters and winter hats.
and he was a drunk before being a drunk was cool.
the second man in my life needs no introduction as he dominates ginstagram and the rest of my existence with his ridiculousness. it's none other than McElhenney McCrae Lincoln (live and in the motherfucking house). or mac for short. yes that is his name and yes it's on his birth certificate. i think my favorite thing ever about that psycho is that when i saw a picture of him from the breeder i HAD TO FUCKING HAVE HIM. i mean.i.die.forthatface.
he was the easiest decision i have ever made in my life. like i could not hand the money over fast enough on that doggy deposit because he needed to be mine so i could puppy squish him. the day we took him home from the breeder is the day we found out a couple things about the little nugget that should have been immediate red flags.
first red flag: they called him alejandro ponce deleon. while the other puppies had nicknames like tess or bandit the puppy i had picked out was referred to with the most ridiculous name i had ever heard.
and why? because, to put it nicely by the breeder, he had the biggest personality.
and why? because, to put it nicely by the breeder, he had the biggest personality.
second red flag: the breeder said that their favorite thing that alejandro ponce deleon did was get into the brown paper bags in their pantry and then come bounding out with one on his head until he eventually slammed into a cabinet. in retrospect - it explains a lot.
so really - that adorable face i fell in love with turned out to actually be more like this:
his puppy-hood was insanity. he got into everything and honestly just was the weirdest thing we'd ever encountered. he sat weird, he sat on chairs, he got into cabinet drawers and rustled around like some sort of possum, and it took an eternity to get him potty-trained.
and also drinking together. and also me licking his face a lot.
he's the second most special thing in my life.
and i don't mean special in the "awwww that's cute!" way but in the mac-type-special way.
i like him mainly because when his hair gets unruly he looks like charles manson.