i don't have much to offer. mainly because it feels like my body is falling apart.
specifically because the other morning i woke up with such intense jaw pain i couldn't even handle it.
also i think my vagina is broken.
which means i get to go to two different doctors tomorrow.
which makes me feel things like this:
which isn't necessarily any different than any other day of my life. but in the case of my doctor-binging appointments i get to pay basically a million dollars out of my pocket because it seems like it's national "shannon-has-crappy-insurance" day.
and ya - come at me with me with "WELL AT LEAST YOU HAVE IT!"
because then i'll freak out and say "ya - kind of." because i have the super awesome insurance that makes you meet like a kajillion dollar deductible before an insurance company will even begin to look at the immense amount of paperwork that i'm sure goes hand in hand with insurance coverage.
so basically whatever.
i don't care.
i'm probably dying.
and when i do - someone figure out a way to get GIFs onto gravestones and make sure this one is on mine: