i am like 100% over all things wedding.
that includes but certainly isn't limited to my own.
frankly between the showers (which i wrote about here) to the nightmare that my destination wedding has turned into (wrote about that here) i'm feeling slightly disheartened about everything. because, to be honest, people seem to always want to make their bullshit your bullshit. as if we don't already have enough bullshit of our own. i just want everything about my wedding to be nonsenical and fun. if you don't like to drink and make poor choices in tropical locations then you probably shouldn't come. and everyone should stop trying to saddle me with the eight thousand excuses of why they're not able to come or why they haven't booked yet. because the bottom line is that i don't care.
if you're going - SUPER DUPER SEE YOU THERE.
if you're not going - SMELL YOU LATER.
basically i just want to look really, really pretty on my wedding day.
like cassie did.
and then i just want a whole lot of ridiculous shit/drunkenness to happen afterwards.
which isn't a whole lot different than like any other normal day but it will look kind of like this.
a shirtless shitler.
my personal favorite.
p.s. just imagine beaches and a pool/the ocean in the background of all these shots and you should have a pretty good idea of what the wedding will be like.