Monday, February 17

the one where i say i'm going to the gym

i think i'm going to go to the gym today.

because i checked my wedding countdown app and there's, hang on, 2 months18days5hours and 38 minutes till that shit show of a wedding.  and then i also checked my scale and i'm only down 17 pounds and i need to be down more so i figure i should get my shit together and just nut up and go to the gym.

when it the three month mark back whenever i got a text from tiff wishing me a happy three months till my wedding and i told her then i was going to go the gym.  but then i sneezed like three times in a row and convinced myself i was very clearly falling ill and should go straight home and rest.  so i did just that.  and instead of being actually active i just actively engaged in watching episodes of mob wives and wondered how much different my life would be had i been born into a crime family.
p.s. i can't help but think that i would have made a really great mob wife.

but alas - none of of my mob wives watching really burns any calories.
although my vintage teen mom watching might burn a low amount of calories because fucking jenelle is one bitch that cracks me up on the daily.
so i'm going to the gym.
so someone doesn't continue sending me snapchats like this.

my future husband is a dick.

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Copyright © gin and bare it: the one where i say i'm going to the gym