Monday, June 9

pork mutts

weekends are apparently for doing things and being busy and i hate it.
i think i'm hard-wired for laziness and couch laying and being left alone.  but i get the exact damn opposite of that every weekend.  because there is a restaurant to wait tables at, graduation parties to go to, dogs that require your attention, and a giant post-wedding party to prepare food for.  also people want to hang out with me and i don't get it because i'm lame and not interesting and sometimes i wish all the people would just leave me alone with the mindy project.  BUT NO.

but all things aside shitler and i bought seventy-five pounds of pork butt (ha) on sunday and now have to cook it throughout the week up until our shindig on saturday.  and i feel kind of like a terrible dog mom because i'm basically leaving both of the mutts at home with two crock pots full of slow-cooking pork and that has to be slightly tortuous for them.  but at least they got to do this yesterday:

i just realized that this entire post was mainly pictures of my dogs swimming and me talking about pork butt.
things are weird.  and also this post is nothing short of pointless.  

p.s. happy monday from mac.

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