if there was a contest where you could win a chance to go shopping with regina george i would totally enter it and i would enter it with the force of like an entire high school wanting to win the chance to have christina aguilera come preform one whole song at their high school. and i say that from experience because i swear that happened in the area where my high school was and i think it was x-tina but i can't be totally positive about that because that was totally like a decade ago.
but shopping. UGH shopping. someone give me all the money in the whole wide world so i can buy cat knick knacks and other things that i don't need. like if i shit money on the regular i would take a page out of miley's instagram and buy like so much crap every single day of my life (go ahead and click that IG link and peruse all her purchases because it's incredibly awesome). prior to mexico i binge shopped me and shitler almost out of house and home because ZOMG i obviously needed a different swim outfit for all of the fourteen days that we were going to be there. and also dresses. and different sandals to match different outfits and ALL OF THE OPTIONS MAKE LIFE HARD.
with that being said i can honestly say that there is no way in hell that i even need anymore swim suits. until this weekend when i was reminded of a swim suit top that i had coveted back from my bachelorette party and totally forgot to buy. so naturally, on monday, i went online and fist pumped my face off when i realized they were now clearance items. until i clicked on the style wanted and oh the horror it wasn't in my size and i wept something fierce. but then i was like "well that yellow one is in my size and it's cute enough so i guess i'll just settle on that." so i did. and bought it and i was semi-happy and i should see the one i settled for by like tomorrow and it will look like this.
and every day since monday i've obsessively checked the tracking information to see when i will be able to get my hands on it. but then wednesday i made the mistake of going into my account and instead of clicking on the tracking i accidentally clicked on the item number. and then, being the curious cat i am, clicked on the style that i had originally lusted over. and LO AND BEHOLD it was in mother f'ing stock and i lost my shit because hello! that was the one i wanted and now i was at an impasse because there was no way i needed another bikini top and now i would have to pay for shipping again but this was basically a sign from the universe telling me that i needed this, right? so i bought it. because duh. and in all of my disappointed excitement i forgot to have it delivered to work so two separate shipments are going to end up being delivered to the home i share with shitler and he's going to scold me and probably even hide my new stuff and tell me he's teaching me a lesson or something. but oh well because this shall soon be mine.
so sorry for the worst post ever about how i just bought two new bathing suits and paid an arm and leg for two separate shipping charges and also sorry for being a whiny brat about desperately needing the one bikini top. it's kind of shameful but i also kind of don't care.

I enjoy you.
ReplyDeleteThose are SO cute! I mean, if you are really feeling bad you could send the other one back, right? Or just lie and say the company screwed up and sent you two. Oops.
Deletebut then i was all - you love them and you will wear them so just deal with it.
I love both of those. You should keep them both! I'm always too lazy to send shit back if I even remotely like it.
ReplyDeleteTotally worth it thought because they are both fucking adorable.
ReplyDeleteShannon... Tell Shitler this "I bought these before Mexico/THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE and they were back ordered. Plus you'll be enjoying my boobies in these so it's really a win for you" and then walk away
ReplyDeleteThey are both SO CUTE. SO worth it.
ReplyDeleteReally cute bikini tops! Where did you find them?
ReplyDeletelol i just did the same thing and got the same top (but in like coral/pinkish) from VS.
ReplyDeletesonofabitch those are awesome. get your shopping on.
ReplyDeletei have to get all mine in before the boy comes home. he is going to shit bricks but meh.
btw i love how you give me the link to snatchfaces' instagram but not where you got your shit you greedy jew.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your victory.
ReplyDeleteThe other one being restocked and you finding out about it was kismet.
ReplyDeleteI love how your writing is so clearly you speaking your mind, it's fantastic. You're fantastic!
ReplyDeletei just can't help it. give me a keyboard and my fucked up chain of thoughts comes busting out. LOL.