and then naturally i took too many pictures of the muttz.
and then at one point shitler probably thought i was more nuts than usual because i came racing back from the bathroom to grab my camera and when he asked what i was doing i was all "taking pictures of a fairy's home!" and he was like "what the fuck." but i was obviously correct because HELLO LOOK AT THE FAIRY HOME BELOW.
and then we took the dogs to the beach.
where they were so handsomely adorable.
and then the muttz intently stared at shitler while he strolled up and down the beach by himself.
and then shitler did something he hasn't done in quite some time.
RUN. baywatch style; down the beach.
and then naturally stopped to pose. in the most tantalizing of ways. #thighsfordays
and then murphy lee got real pensive about the scenery.
and then turned around and couldn't contain his excitement about said scenery.
and then we left a day early because it wouldn't stop raining, and the dogs were soaking wet, and i was sick of having to sit at the picnic table underneath the canopy and stare at shitler while we did nothing. and by nothing i mean i read my kindle and he bugged me to pay attention to him.
p.s. we also played beer bong.

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