- finally got a cat (and he is a glorious and delicious beast)
- trying to make sure said cat doesn't eat anymore dental floss (see ginstagram)
- oh and murphy got some weird growth cut off his paw
- oh also mac got neutered
- oh and then mac started licking his dick area to the point it got infected (don't worry he wore the cone for his neuter until he was fully healed but he's ridiculous so just decided to start licking his genitals incessantly) and he had to wear a cone for like two months because if he didn't stop the vet told us the infection could possibly invade his pee hole and that could possibly lead to having to turn our boy dog into a girl dog (OF COURSE)
- bought a house
walkinglooking around said house just marveling at all the shit that needs to be done- painted a giant dick on the wall in our dining room
- shitler cut off his bitchin' man bun (it's in a plastic bag somewhere in our house)
- oh yeaaa - also had a baby.
so ya. that's about it.
should we do this again?
maybe? maybe not?
what are people into these days?
birth stories? fun pregnancy nonsense? kid crap? painting giant dicks on walls stories? LMK.